Fisher Lawfirm / Our Team / Adv. Daphna Fisher
Adv. Daphna Fisher
Adv. Daphna Fisher, partner and manager of the International Department, possesses a wealth of experience in commercial law, company law and banking law.
Adv. Fisher provides regular legal advice to Israeli companies and entities, handles arbitrations and commercial transactions concluded outside the State of Israel, and additionally accompanies companies and foreign nationals upon addressing Israeli officials.
Adv. Fisher has extensive experience in the international field and speaks many languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Adv. Daphna Fisher has extensive experience in handling complex claims and those of a high profile nature in the field of torts.
- LL.B. Law, Tel-Aviv University
- Graduate magna cum laude, M.B.A in Business Management, The College of Management Academic Studies
- Graduate Magna Cum Laude, B.A. in languages and linguistics, majoring in French and English, Bar-Ilan University
Admitted to Bar Associations
- Israel, 1997
Volunteer Activity
- Chairman of the Friends of WIZO Circle
- Member of the Board of Trustees - Hadassah International Israel