Gideon Fisher & Co. has unique expertise in the field of franchises. The firm’s attorneys have acquired a wealth of experience over the years in the field of franchises and in providing legal support for both franchisors and franchisees.
The firm represents franchise parties from the initial negotiations stage to execution of the agreement, and thereafter supports the ongoing management in accordance with the franchise model. The firm has been supporting the Israeli Franchise Association for many years, representing networks and franchises in Israel and supporting the Israeli networks' activity overseas. In addition, the firm is engaged in the drafting of franchise legislation that is expected to regulate the field for the first time in the Israeli legal system.
The firm's attorneys, headed by Adv. Gideon Fisher, serve as keynote speakers at many relevant conventions held each year in Israel and have also written articles on the matter.
The firm's services include:
- Preparing engagement contracts
- Drafting Procedures and handbooks
- Conducting negotiations
Professional Experience
Representative clients:
- Idan 2000
- Ilan's cafes