PARLEX Law Group
Our office is a member of the international law office network, Parlex.
The network numbers about 30 law offices with extensive experience in all areas of the law, which are considered among the most respected and prestigious offices in Europe, the United States, Asia, and the Middle East.
Legal representation by members of the network is at the highest professional level. An actual example from the media is the Scottish law firm that is a member of the network, which represented the opposition to the British government before the European Court of Justice in one of the most significant and important events in the history of the “Brexit War,” in one of the largest victories that created an opening to leave the United Kingdom in the Union.
Membership in the network includes semiannual meetings and international cooperation, brainstorming, exchange of ideas, and carrying out cross-border transactions, including representation before judicial proceedings in Israel and around the world for the client community.
As full members in the network, we must comply with specific membership criteria, including having significant expertise in fundamental practice areas, the ability to provide advice in good English whenever necessary, modern business systems, and at least medium size in their jurisdiction. Members are reviewed regularly in order to ensure that the membership criteria are maintained and to offer assistance in their development and that of The Parlex Group overall.
The cooperation amongst members in academic activities and the continuous education of practitioners is encouraged and promoted within The Parlex Group for the purpose of "knowledge exchange" on areas of practice, establishing special interest groups, organising law conferences at the May meeting, and supporting short-term exchanges of young lawyers amongst member firms.